CAFTCAD Visual Diversity Statement Submissions

 CAFTCAD Visual Diversity Statement Submissions

Our mission is to develop an inclusive, equal, and diverse community of costume professionals to be treated with respect and grow together from one another. As such we’d like to design a visual interpretation illustrating CAFTCAD’s diverse community that will be shared to promote inclusivity and diversity at upcoming CAFTCAD events, social media, and on our website.

We would love to get our members to contribute and receive your input on “What Diversity Means to You?” and “What Image Comes to Mind When You Think of Diversity?” Your involvement will make this all the more meaningful. If you would like to participate, submit a visual piece that represents you, your community, or what diversity means to you. In the format of a photo, illustration, piece of art, photo of a garment, or any other visual medium that can be digitally shared with us. If you are not visually artistic, but you would like to share your ideas, please express them via written form. 

We ask that all submissions are square in dimension and must be either a JPEG, PNG, or PDF file. Please send your submissions to by August 24, 2021 at the latest. 

Disclaimer: By submitting your visual piece, you agree and accept the following terms and conditions. You, the CAFTCAD member, are submitting your visual piece on your own accord. CAFTCAD reserves the right to make the specific selection on which designs will be utilized in the final piece and has the right to decline any design submission if they see fit. CAFTCAD also reserves the right to decide how many designs will be included in the final visual piece.

As this final visual piece will be curated and edited as CAFTCAD sees fit, we may not have the opportunity to credit each individual for their design submitted. However, by submitting your design you agree that CAFTCAD reserves the right to it’s ownership, use, and distribution of the design at CAFTCAD’s own discretion. CAFTCAD reserves the right to edit and alter any design submission to best fit it’s intended use. CAFTCAD may follow up with certain submissions for further editing or adapting, if necessary.